Christopher R. Jacquez, Tax Pro Realtor, is a licensed CA Real Estate Agent operating in the Greater San Francisco Bay Area. He first obtained his Real Estate license in 2003 and has since gained extensive experience with tax and investment planning for real property scenarios, Section 1031 Like-Kind Exchanges and traditional buyer and seller representation. As a highly experienced tax accountant, commercial and residential realtor, he is able to offer his clients a comprehensive suite of services, as a trusted adviser.

Christopher is also the owner of eTax Relief, a full service tax and accounting firm in Fremont, CA. He is licensed by the United States Department of Treasury to represent Taxpayer’s before the IRS. With more than 19 years of experience in tax controversy, preparation & planning, he is a seasoned and well rounded leader in his field. At the time of it’s issuance, Christopher was one of the youngest individuals to ever obtain an Enrolled Agent’s license, from the U.S. Department of Treasury. The license is only issued after passing a rigorous four part examination, that requires extensive knowledge and/or experience to pass.

Over the course of his career, Christopher has successfully built and operated his own tax and real estate practice, while providing valuable support to other established Public Accounting firms and Real Estate offices throughout the Bay Area.

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